In return, the federal government is getting preferred stock in the banks and warrants to buy common shares. 作为回报,Fed将获得它们的优先股和普通股的认股权证。
This, in short, expresses that the common shares outstanding fact is in the domain of entity information line items, an expression made formal by links to definitions in XBRL taxonomy Web resources. 简而言之,这表示普通股事实位于实体信息行项目范围内,通过链接到XBRL分类Web资源中的定义可以使表达式更加正式。
The outcome was expected as Citi had made it financially unpalatable for preferred shareholders to refuse to convert their stakes into common shares. 按照花旗提出的条款,拒绝将优先股转换为普通股的股东将在财务上陷入不利地位,因此上述结果在人们的意料之中。
This is because the value of preferred shares will not rise as rapidly as that of common shares during a period of financial success. 这是因为绩优股并不象一般的股票那样在金融形势大好的情况下会快速的上涨。
That was made at the peak last spring and CIC invested in common shares, which have fallen sharply. 对百仕通的投资是在今春市场顶峰时进行的,在这笔交易中,中投公司买的是百仕通的普通股,而百仕通的股价已大幅下跌。
Any registered common shares that it issues must not have been previously listed on a foreign securities market. 发行之记名普通股股票未在外国证券市场挂牌交易。
Thus, the weighted average number of common shares outstanding can be computed as follows 因此,发行在外的加权平均普通股数可计算如下
They convert into common shares, beginning in March next year through to September 2011, and under the terms of the deal the units will be converted at a price of not less than$ 31.83 per share. 从明年3月起至2011年9月,它们将转换为普通股,而根据交易条款,这些单位将以不低于每股31.83美元的价格进行转换。
To compute earnings per share, the weighted-average number of common shares out-divides the common stockholders 'share of the company's net income standing. 为计算每股收益,需用公司普通股股东的净收益除以发行在外普通股的加权平均数。
The paper analyzed the motivation of the stock pidend and the transfer of reserve to common shares of Chinas listed companies. 本文对我国股票市场上广泛存在的送股和公积金转增股本的行为动机进行了分析和讨论。
Some corporate actions, such as stock splits and stock dividends, require simple changes in the common shares outstanding and the stock prices of the companies in the Index. 此外,一些公司行为例如拆股和股票分红,需要对指数中该公司的普通股流通股数和股价作一些简单的调整。
Option pools are common shares that are set aside to compensate and incentivize future employees of the company. 期权水池期权水池普通股那留出补偿,激励未来公司的雇员。
If the corporation has no preferred stocks and no changes of common shares, as Solarwind corporation, the computation is simple. 如果像太阳风公司那样没有优先股股票并且普通股票也没有发生变化,每股收益的计算是简单的。
The government will take warrants equivalent to 80 per cent of the common shares, and$ 1bn in senior prefered stock that outranks existing prefered shares issued by the groups. 政府将得到相当于80%普通股的认股权证,以及10亿美元高级优先股,这些优先股的地位高于这两家集团发行的现有优先股。
In the formula, the weighted average number of common shares outstanding must be computed based on the issue time of the common shares. 在这个公式中,发行在外的普通股加权平均股数必须以普通股票发行的时间为基础计算。
Number of common shares outstanding 发行在外的普通股股数已认股本未收股款数
Other big losers include big institutional investors who hold more than half of the common shares, some of whom continued to add to their holdings in recent months. 其它的大输家还包括大型的机构投资者,它们持有“两房”一半以上的普通股,其中一些机构还在近几个月继续增持。
The company will offer up to$ 100m in common shares, according to a filing with the US Securities and Exchange Commission, although that figure is just for registration purposes and is likely to change. 提交给美国证交会(SEC)的申请文件显示,该公司将发行至多1亿美元普通股。不过,该数字仅为登记用,将来很可能发生变化。
They will not only own shares that should be paid back with a reasonable return, but also will receive warrants for common shares in participating institutions. 这个计划不仅使政府拥有股权,获得应有的回报,而且将得到参与企业投资的普通股的授权。
If BofA fails to satisfy the Federal Reserve Board, the lender will have to issue additional common shares, diluting its per-share earnings. 假如美银达不到美联储的要求,该行将必须增发普通股,从而稀释其每股盈利。
However, some insiders said that could be difficult to implement because those securities rank as debt in the company's capital structure and pay an annual interest rate, giving holders little incentive to exchange them for common shares. 但一些内部人士表示,这一点可能很难实现,因这些证券在花旗的资本结构中被列为债务,并支付年息,这使其持有者几乎没有动力将其转换为普通股。
While computing the diluted earnings per share, the company must take into account the influence of all the diluted potential common shares till the diluted earnings per share is minimized. 公司在计算稀释每股收益时,应考虑所有稀释性潜在普通股的影响,直至稀释每股收益达到最小。
Treasury stock does not carry the rights of outstanding common shares, such as voting rights and the right to receive dividends. 库存股不附带流通股的权力,诸如投票权和分红权。
Second, the number of common shares outstanding to determine book value per common share divides the remaining amount of stockholders 'equity. 第二步,用股东权益的剩余价值除以发行在外的普通股股数以确定普通股每股账面价值。
In the United States, the fund rating with bond rating, the rating of common shares constitute a credit rating of the three pillars in the capital market. 在美国,基金评级已与债券评级、股票评级共同构成了资本市场信用评级的三大支柱。
Because of increasing the number of common shares and decreasing the price per share, they are regarded as the same kind of actions as the stock dividend and stock splits in American stock market. 本文认为送转股行为导致上市公司的股票数量增加、价格下降,与美国等股票市场上的股票股利和股票拆分行为相类似。